Thursday 12 November 2009

Gyratory System: The Sound-Board Breathes

Ok so, again, massive apologies for the lack of posts recently. I've got a treat for you here now though in the shape of the entire Gyratory System album 'The Sound-Board Breathes'. The brain child of Dr. Andrew Blick, described as an 'effects trumpet player and producer', it's a crazy mix of improvised synths, electronica and brass combining to create a unique sound. Blick himself describes the influence of artists who do "what they do with live instruments where you can’t tell what the instruments are" and it would certainly take more than an expert ear to pick out the individual elements within this album. The album itself has been gaining great critical reviews and is embedded below.

The band have also made their track 'Splurge Gun' available for a free download, which can be found here.