Friday 5 March 2010

Ok Go Strike Again

After the worldwide smash hit phenomenon that was the video for 'Here It Goes Again', which has reportedly reached a combined play count of 49million on Youtube, Ok Go look set to achieve the same amount of success with the video for their latest single 'This Too Shall Pass'.

The video, below, which features the band in full marching band uniform, a few camouflaged brass players and the Notre Dame Marching Band, has already notched up over a million views on youtube.

However, not content with the success of this video virally, the band knocked up a second video, which looks set to become the true heir to the treadmill's throne (it even shows that video at one point). Remember that Honda advert with all the car pieces bumping in to each other in a chain reaction? Imagine that but stretch it out to nearly four minutes and replace the car parts with a load of random items, gradually getting bigger in scale and resulting in the band being covered in paint. It's best to just watch it really so here it is...

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely amazing. Collectively the best way to spend 8 minutes on a Friday afternoon. Cheers for posting.
